- Human expert to follow up and communicate for whole process unti paper certificate is released
- Transparent quotation to include official fee, doucment fee and handling fee
- Search trademark similar situation before registration to avoid risk
- Ticket tracking to monitor all steps
- This standard package includes one new trademark application under one class
Do I need register trademark in Hong Kong?
Yes, you definitely need. After having a Hong Kong trademark, you can
- Protect your own brand name
- Use trademark to apply ecommerce shop
- Use trademark to apply verified social media account
- Lock your audience and boost your sales in Hongkong market
Hong Kong Trademark Application Process
How to register trademark in Hong Kong? SODA package includes all Hong Kong trademark registration process.
SODA expert will help you to handle all processes as below:
- Select your target trademark name and class
- SODA expert gives search result for similar trademark
- Decide you would like to own by personal or company
- Prepare application documents and submit
- Follow up with TM certificate->Initial Audit Letter->Final China trademark R certificate, total lead time for one trademark application process is 9-12 months.
- Ship out the paper certificate to customer
Beside Trademark, SODA can also help you:
- Copyright/Patent Registration
- Legal related issues
- Final trademark audit result will be decided by China trademark registry office, SODA can not guarantee result. SODA will suggest the successful ratio before submitting.
- Translation (if need) fee and global shipping fee are not included in this package
- If you only want to do trademark comprehensive study before decision of registration, you can choose "Hong Kong trademark search" option in this product page to order, which is 80 USD/name search
- If you need extra class to register, the cost is 320 USD/class
Hong Kong Trademark Search and Registration
- We will create a customer account for you in our Customer Center, you can log in our customer center to track your task or by your email.Log in link: https://sodaglobal.zohodesk.com/portal/en/signinAccount: Your emailPassword: 123456You can upload files related to this project, we will communicate and deliver via the ticket of your order