SODA innovation team can support you as slogan generator, design a Chinese slogan for China and global market based on your business background and mission. Slogan definition is the vital step to prepare for China market.
This solution is suitable for clients:
- Want to sell or promote in China
- Would like to launch one professional brand face in front of Chinese audiences
What you will get from this solution:
- Three Chinese slogan ideas proposal for your business
- After customer's confirmation, we will deliver final slogan report with meaning.
SODA Work Process for this project:
- Client provides brand background, mission, business plan and target audience description
- SODA innovation team will do research for potential proposals' legal situation
- SODA will work out slogan examples for customer's approval
- SODA deliver the final slogan maker report to customer
Next steps recommended
- After getting slogan in Chinese, better to register China copyright for this slogan definition as soon as possible to avoid other competitors or people to sign up earlier.
- If customer plan to register China company, better to register at same time.
- Customer can also choose our Logo Creator if plans to do branding soon.
Design a slogan in Chinese
We will create a customer account for you in our Customer Center, you can log in our customer center to track your task or by your email.
Log in link:
Account: Your email
Password: 123456
You can upload files related to this project, we will communicate and deliver via the ticket of your order